Posts Tagged ‘Grand Canyon national park south rim’

  • Grand Canyon National Park: Rocky Kingdom on earth
    On earth, if there is grandeur of rock and stones, plethora of natural beauty and majesty of flora and fauna the name which is epitome of these excellence is none other then rocky splendor ‘Grand Canyon National Park’.  Proclaiming it as ‘Rocky kingdom on earth’, a 277 river miles long, some one mile deep and average of ten miles wide, Grand Canyon acclaimed as one of the wonders of natural world. As the name Grand Canyon National Park, its truly stand by it, with such grand and great chasm carved, with awe inspiring view. Carvings that have taken millennia, on the rocks of Colorado Plateau, a gift that surpass and outdo what all we experience. It’s absolutely beautiful and such a mammoth, which makes us bow our head in front of it, and humble us. A man, known to be king, pharaoh and emperor, this timelessness of Grand  [...]
    Posted at March 12th, 2010 at 09:03 am